Firstly, thanks for browsing this site and like to welcome to PERMACULTURE LEARNING CENTRE (PLC).
Permaculture Learning Centre (PLC) is a small piece of land covering about 1 Hectare, located in Chitwan district, central part of Nepal. PLC is a farmer managed farm applying the possible principles of permacutlure and organic agriculture. This farm is already organic certified and in Bio-dynamic conversion stage. In the past, this farm was recognized by organic farm of Chandra Adhikari, permaculture farm of Chitwan, Chandra’s farm but for the easiness and uniformity in communication, this new name describing the guiding principle is given. Hopefully, you will accept this name. By the end of 2009, more than 1500 individuals from over 40 different districts of Nepal had visited PLC while 25 volunteers and 50 visitors from about 20 countries spent some of their time in days of life.
Key components of PLC
1. Integrated organic farming system
2. Bio-diversity
3. Micro-climatic utilization
4. Refine, Reuse and Recycle of wastes
5. Rice cum fish farming
6. Organic cat-fish farming
7. Vermicomposting
8. Improved cattle shed and Compost improvement
9. Bio-gas
10. Number of local innovations like one ox-plough, improved plough,
11. Mini-zoo for school childrens
Special features of PLC
1. PLC is being managed organically solely by a farm family
2. Different principles of Permaculture are being applied
3. Number of organic farms in the same community
4. Easy to arrive
5. Good access to transportation and communication
6. Number of opportunities for interested such as learning, volunteering and research
7. Near to the Agriculture Campus
8. Near the Chitwan National Park - opportunity for Jungle Safari, Elephant Riding, natural beauty
9. Family environment and hospitality - Home Stay
10. Good facilities - electricity, telephone, emai-internet, transportation
it was a nice experience! Chandra really has one of the nicest farms I have ever seen.